June 16, 2024

Father’s Day, Turning the Hearts of the Fathers toward Their Children

Passage: Malachi 4:5-6, Colossians 1:15

Within the Church and within our culture, it has become evident there is a crisis in the family of missing healthy spiritual fathers. Fathers are urgently needed to impart and instill the heart of our Father in our children. Consider that parents are the key to the children’s hearts, and fathers in particular contribute to emotional stability, so the great need we see in our culture today is because the fathers are missing. But God is adjusting and reestablishing every area of our culture, and it is up to us in the Church to give examples within our culture of godly fathers, and raise up strong godly families. Jesus gave us a revelation of God as our Father, and His attributes reveal Him as Provider, Protector, Encourager, Comforter, and more. We are not all fathers, but we can all have our Father‘s heart. Spend time with your Father God, and get to know how He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.

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