May 19, 2024

Day of Pentecost 2024 – The REAL Promise!

Passage: 1 Peter 1:15-16

The REAL promise of Pentecost is living a life empowered by the Spirit of God to walk in holiness, to have freedom to live life bigger than wrestling with your demons, to experience a life of discovering what you are capable of when you are partnering with the Holy Spirit! We have the Holy Spirit as our parakletos, our “defense attorney,” the One who is our Helper, but we need to engage with Him fully in order to experience our freedom from the entanglements of the enemy. Pastor Dawn ministered in a deeply personal way with each person to release freedom from sin, depression, confusion and other strongholds. We experienced the Holy Spirit shift the atmosphere as Pastor Dawn prophesied, “The beauty of today is that you have been set free from captivity, awakening the truth in your mind, body and finances, and in your circumstances, that you are not beggars, but you are more than conquerors!” Amen!

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