September 22, 2024

Passage: Exodus 17:15, Luke 12:51

Jonathan Farrell illuminated the name of God of Yahweh Nissi, God is my Banner, that God gives me His banner of victory. His banner of love keeps us safe and unified, gives us God’s authority, gives each of us identity and purpose, and the knowledge that God will defend us and fight for us! We must focus on God and what He is doing, not on the battle down here. What is happening in the spirit realm is way more important and far-reaching than the part of the battle we can see. Make sure you are fighting under God’s banner.
Then Pastor Dawn encouraged us in these times (and in this election year) to rally to God’s banner as our ultimate authority. We must fight in the spiritual realm for righteousness and vote biblical principles, and let God’s banner fly higher than any other.

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