Jesus showed us the way of RESOLUTE LOVE, to love others no matter how they responded, even unto death.
Don’t be discouraged. Stand in the middle of the battle, hear the enemy’s lie, then declare God’s victory as you listen to His plan for winning. There is a new level of awakening to authority. Now it is your time to stand up with purpose and decrees!
Jesus built relationships by loving people consistently over and over again, making them disciples.
Making the vision plain: Partnering with Jesus to continue His mission to disciple, empower and transform individuals, cities and nations.
God's word to us: "The world is a different place, but do not think it strange. See it as an opportunity."
An important key to the Kingdom of God is SELFLESSNESS.
God will be magnified and His enemies will be scattered!
This is the year of the Holy Spirit - a NEW ERA. Without the Holy Spirit we can't even go to the next level!
Before the fall, Adam & Eve experienced the life that God intended for them, with God's divine, delegated authority, under His divine rule. That is what Jesus has restored to us!
While the enemy is escalating his fear tactics and his agendas, and he may even think he is winning. But Elohim, the Supreme God, is escalating signs and wonders and miracles and He is about to call many by name.