
July 26, 2020
The world is whirling in chaos and the Spirit needs to show up today. And we have been given the empowerment to do what is needed. In every situation, will we ask WWJD?

Fearless Church

June 21, 2020
The characteristics of God that you declare, that you hear, that you read in the Word, that you come into agreement with, will become a part of you, so that you will be the power extension of heaven to rule and to have dominion on this earth.

Pentecost Sunday

May 31, 2020
The Spirit of the Lord is increasing our perception of what is really going on. We must keep our eyes on Him.


At Liberty, Our Passion Is...  To provide an atmosphere where Holy Spirit is welcomed and free to do WHATEVER! Where people encounter God, empowering them to engage in reaching their world with freedom and life for the purposes of the Kingdom!

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