Let's reach out to the one in honor of the ONE.
Let us daily "serve at our King's pleasure."
Motherhood is a calling, and God equips those He calls.
The Great Commission isn't just for evangelists - it's for all believers!
You can be assured that you are a vital part of what God is doing! You are chosen!
You are powerful through Jesus Christ! You are here on purpose—for God’s purposes!
The plan of redemption was not just to get us into heaven, but that God would be glorified, Jesus would be glorified, and it would restore the former glory of God's intentions for all of mankind.
"No fair hoggin' the remedy! We must share Jesus with others." (One of many "Esther-isms")
It's time to get up! Just as Deborah in the Book of Judges commanded the captain of the army when they were surrounded by the enemy. It is time for the Church to rise into the position of partnering with God, being an extension of Him on the earth. It's time to represent Him fully, in demonstration and power. We must know who we are. We cannot do this in our own strength, but as an extension of God, we can be confident as we obey Him and make Him known on the earth.
We are positioning ourselves for the glory of God to invade the earth, which will render the enemy powerless and ineffective.