We must escalate our listening to accelerate His desires.
If you have had a dream and it didn't seem to work out - let God breathe on it today and bring it back to life.
God has cloaked us with His mantle, His dream – for HIS harvest. He is sending us out with His glory – like Joseph.
When God pours new wine into new wineskins, both are preserved! We must become new wineskins in this season.
We are entering a new era, where we will experience encounters with God like never before, so we can fully participate in the harvest with new wine.
With His disciples, Jesus didn’t stop with an opening conversation that gripped their hearts. He called them. He discipled them. He made relationship with them. He spoke to each of them in their language, that spoke to their heart, impacting them for eternity.
There is an assignment after the alignment!
Through the water and the blood, there is now a place of abode for His Kingdom purposes. Both in heaven and on earth.