“Don’t carry the burden yourself; allow God to shield you by developing a deep, deep level of trust as you pray it through until you’ve given it completely over to God”


March 10, 2024
“Realize you are chosen for a God-given assignment to be uniquely set up part for His glory. You are the only you God has!”

Hold Your Territory

October 16, 2022
We need to “box out” in the spiritual realm so we clear the space for God to deliver to us what He wants to get to us in the natural realm.
Justin encouraged everyone to draw near to God and let Him reveal and help you with attacks of the enemy that are specifically against you to hinder of delay you in understanding and fulfilling the unique plan God has for your life. With examples from Abraham's life, Justin showed how he overcame the issues that kept him attempting to fulfill his destiny in his own strength, and showed how Abraham finally broke through to trusting God fully.
The goodness of God is found in relationship with Him and is at the center of faith in Him. We are responsible to protect our purpose from Jesus so that we can experience all of His goodness. There's no looking back!
As believers, we are challenged by Scripture to allow Jesus Christ to shape our thoughts - "let this mind be in you which was also in Christ" - honor, humility, and serving are all tied to faith in God! There are times when we will need to obey God even through the most difficult circumstances. We can always go to Him for strength to lead us through those times.


At Liberty, Our Passion Is...  To provide an atmosphere where Holy Spirit is welcomed and free to do WHATEVER! Where people encounter God, empowering them to engage in reaching their world with freedom and life for the purposes of the Kingdom!

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