Our Journey

Our Journey


Partnership With The Town of Davie Police Department

Began a partnership with the Town of Davie Police Department providing needed hygiene products for kids during the Christmas season. This partnership has enabled kids to use donated funds to choose Christmas presents rather than every day necessities.


Community Impact

The seeds sown in Davie are being realized as we are reaching souls, expanding our borders, making way for more growth, and announcing our God by connecting to Him, connecting to others, and connecting others to Him!


The Grinch Fundraiser

Liberty partners with the EASE Foundation of Davie to raise money for those in need during the Holiday season, with a dinner theater.



Liberty moves into its present location and launches a Grand Opening that attracts many from surrounding organizations and neighborhoods


Liberty Launch

Liberty hosts a Launching event that focuses on vision and mission, with the theme, “We are going somewhere.” This event served as the launching pad of our current team ministry structure.


City Wide Church Unity

Liberty joins the coalition of churches engaging with government officials which leads to strategic prayer events, including praying in the Davie Town Hall



Pastor Victor Hernandez of Punta Gorda, Belize, reaches out to the leadership of Liberty for spiritual covering and support. Liberty accepted and continued in this role for 10 years, with several trips there, conferences and outreaches at the church, and ministry to the villages.


Liberty Changes its Name

In order to more accurately define who we are as a church, Liberty Christian Church changes its name to Liberty Life Center

Mission Trip to Davie

Recognizing the tremendous needs in our own back yard, Liberty initiates a week long mission trip to its own community. During this week, we painted the Boys and Girls Club facility, ministered at a Halfway House for young boys, shared the love of God at a Cerebral Palsy Home, performed..Read More


First Church Sponsored Mission Trip

Liberty launches its first Missions team into the country of Mexico. This would be the beginning of an ongoing fulfillment of God’s dream for our international impact!


At Liberty, Our Passion Is...  To provide an atmosphere where Holy Spirit is welcomed and free to do WHATEVER! Where people encounter God, empowering them to engage in reaching their world with freedom and life for the purposes of the Kingdom!

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