
View all posts by Pastor Dawn Renè McCann (Page 2)


Day: Day 1 Date: January 8, 2024 I believe most Christians are aware of how much territory the enemy has taken as the world shakes, trembles, and groans from the impact of the enemy’s assault on so many sides. However, I don’t believe that many Christians are aware of how…

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Day: Introduction Fasting Dates: January 8 – 28, 2024 Welcome to the year where we are being RE-ESTABLISHED TO BRING IMPACT! Remember that God has told us to remove even the things from our Sanctuary walls that were dear to our hearts, because He wanted us to live beyond our…

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KINGDOM LIVING: Jesus is alive!

As Peter preached to those present on the Day of Pentecost, he began to lay the foundational truths that the Church of the living God would stand upon until the day He returns for the glorious Church without spot or wrinkle.

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