October 21, 2018

Faithfulness vs Loyalty

Passage: 1 Sam 18:1-4

Herbert Lindo | 1 Sam 18:1-4

Did you know that we can be faithful but not necessarily loyal?  The definition of faithfulness is to be “firm in adherence to promises”.  It is an act of doing and a fulfilling of obligations. It is a learned response that comes from the head. Faithfulness is good, and it is a gift that God has given each of us (Gal. 5:22-23), and it is important to our growth as Christians.  Loyalty is a progression to the next level, beyond faithfulness!  In Webster, the word faithful is used to describe loyalty. It is defined as a “faithful and unswerving allegiance”.  As faithfulness comes from the head, loyalty comes from the heart!  In this inspiring and informative message, Herbert encourages us to examine our hearts and motives.  He explains how faithfulness while it is good, it can sometimes come from a place of “self-centeredness” to do what is right for oneself.  He shows us how knowing our true identities in God will help us to push past faithfulness into the higher level of loyalty in every area of our lives and our relationships.  While faithfulness causes us to do what we can for others, loyalty moves us to do what is needed!

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