
2025 Fasting GuideWELCOME TO XPANDING IN 2025!


Day: Introduction
Date: January 05, 2025

Welcome to 2025!

I am always excited to share with you the word of the Lord for the year and how we can apply it to our lives.

The word this year is XPAND.

This is an exciting word and means much more than just increasing in number, although that is a part of it.

He also wants to stretch us beyond what we have become accustomed to and cause us to operate fully in relationship with Him.

He wants the Church, His people, to be looked to for wisdom and insight of how we are to live in freedom, even when it doesn’t seem so much like freedom at the time.

What the world considers normal is not God’s normal. God’s normal includes miracles, outrageous actions, living proof of Who is really in charge!

It means that this year we are going to be a part of XPANDING our hunger for Him.

God has laid out so much in His Word for us to get deeper revelation on what this word means to us as His people.

I fully expect to XPAND our revelation of HOW BIG OUR GOD IS by understanding how much He is drawing us unto Himself.

He wants to be with us even more than we want to be with Him, but I am believing that will change.

As He comes to reveal what He can do with just one hungry heart, we will experience what He can do with many hungry people.

If we are willing and obedient, we will eat of the good of the land.

So as we begin, let us posture ourselves before God by letting go of what we think we know, and enter in to the place of wanting His presence more than anything else.

He is not only what we need, He is ALL we need.

Let our deepest desire be to be immersed in His presence and be overcome by His love. Then, we will arise with His heart to release what the world has been looking for from the deposits He has made within us.

Let us continually be filled up to the overflow and enjoy the XPANSION that will take place in our hearts and lives.



You have given us so much. You have revealed many things that we are thankful for. Yet, we know there is more. We pray that there will be continuous revelation for us to know You as we have never known You before, and love You as we have never loved You before.

You are our God, our Father, the Giver of life and Provider of all we need.

We pray for the fire to come upon our lives that we may light up the world with the truth of who You are and how wonderful it is to know You.

Thank you for the opportunities You are going to provide for us.

Waiting upon You is our privilege.

We are answering Your call for us to come up to where You dwell.

Thank You for making Yourself available to us.



Jeremy Riddle – All Is For Your Glory

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