


Day: Day Two
Date: January 07, 2025

We need to XPAND our awareness of what God has done for us and how He wants to move through us for freedom’s sake.

We discussed yesterday that we need to XPAND our way of thinking about relationship. To do that, we must increase in believing that God has ordered our steps and given us great gifts that are going to be realized.

Moses was our example, and now Moses was going to have to choose to change and do things GOD’s way.

They would have to be willing to see things differently. What a challenge that would be!

God started working with Moses to be willing to change his mindset. Are you ready for God to XPAND your thinking?


Exodus 4:1

30 Then Moses answered and said, “But suppose they will not believe me or listen to my voice; suppose they say, ‘The Lord has not appeared to you.’”

There will always be those that try to talk you out of
what your experience has been with God.

But God wanted to do more than talk. He was ready to give Moses a supernatural gift that could be used. In fact, Moses was used to using it.

Exodus 4:2-5

So the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?”  He said, “A rod.”

And He said, “Cast it on the ground.” So he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from it.

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Reach out your hand and take it by the tail” (and he reached out his hand and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand),

“that they may believe that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you.”

For years, Moses had a rod to protect sheep and guide them through the dangers of the wilderness.

But the rod was about to transform into a supernatural weapon, an object that would be used to guide, to provide, to protect and bring freedom.

Like with the burning bush, Moses had to also look to see the supernatural taking place in front of him.

With the rod, Moses had to take a snake up by the tail, for it was to be his rod that God would use over and over to prove that God was with him.

You probably know the story, but if you don’t, I invite you to read Exodus which will tell you all the stories of God and how He brought His people out of bondage in Egypt.

It will make you aware that no matter how bad it looks, no matter how strong the bondage of the enemy is, God is bigger. God is stronger and He is here to equip us for winning in the day we live in.

This is the time to XPAND our thinking to understand we are not alone. God is with us. He wants to partner with us and that means that nothing is impossible to us.

Hallelujah! In fact, we ourselves are to be signs and wonders!

So the question for us is this: when God speaks to us, do we look to Him?

When God does something supernaturally for us, do we
take notice of it and obey the instruction of the Lord?

That is where it all begins.

He is an all-knowing, all-powerful God.

He knows the end from the beginning.

He has a call for every person that will take them beyond the ordinary into operating according to His Kingdom.

But He is still looking for someone who is willing to look and see, who will draw near to observe what God is doing.

He is looking for a person that will go beyond normal and move into the unknown by obeying God at His word.

Determine today that you will be desirous of all that God has planned for you. Then, position yourself before Him to look and see what He already has for you.

Be ready to receive a new impartation to move things into His important assignment for you.

Now is the time!

You are a part of what is to happen on the earth.


God, I position myself before You, on purpose. I don’t want to talk about what I want You to do, I want to hear what You have to say to me. I open my ears to hear You speak to me. I am ready to hear beyond my own hearing. Come, Lord Jesus, come.

I know You do not play favorites. You have something set aside for me to accomplish with Your presence and Your instructions.

Whatever You want me to do, I know You have tools for me. Whatever You have called me to do, I am willing and obedient. Whatever You want from me, I surrender to You.

Help me set captives free.

Help me to see beyond my own strength and tap into Yours.

Help me to receive with joy my personal assignment and the assignment I will accomplish with others.

I trust You. I love You. I am looking to You.

Draw me nearer.



Passion – Bigger Than I Thought

Maverick City Music – Move Your Heart

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