


Day: Day Four
Date: January 09, 2025

XPAND your understanding of how we are to lead.

We have so many ways available to us to learn about leadership.

Education is at the tip of our fingers. Literally!

Although there is nothing wrong with educating yourself, with all that we have had access to, we can easily see that the world is still in quite a mess.

Today, we are going to look at XPANDING leadership God’s way.

The world’s idea of growing proper leaders may have some good principles. Some apply across the board, because they are also based on principles found in the Word of God.

But Leadership God’s way is not about stepping over someone to get to a higher position.

Instead, Jesus modeled for His disciples that to go up, you must go down. This does not mean to be less than, but to become a humble servant. When you do things God’s way, He will exalt you and raise you up.

Leaders in the Bible don’t even start with good resumes.

Usually, it’s quite the opposite. They are often unknown and unaware of the call of God on their lives. However, God has made investments in each of His children to be leaders because we are the chosen to bring forth truth and life to others.

We are to stand up and stand out.

God is looking for those who will respond to Him correctly and be willing to build relationship with Him, He is looking for those who will model what true leadership is like and then pass it on to others.

We have been looking at Moses as our model. Moses was called by a supernatural event, but that was just the beginning. He had to grow and obey and lead by listening to God.

Then, Moses led others into the kind of relationship that:

  • believes the report of the Lord
  • hungers for more of God’s presence than anything else
  • has a heart to serve

God wants His Church to look like something!

He wants His Church to look like lovers of God.

Mark 12:30-31

 30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment.

And He wants His Church to look like lovers of people.

31 And the second, like it, is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.

Moses kept climbing the mountain to meet with his God.

From the Old Testament to the New Testament, this didn’t change.

Every good leader of the Old Testament kept relationship with God their priority.

They wanted to know HOW to lead God’s people, and they sought God for the answers.

There is no way to lead properly without a proper relationship with God.

I know that many of you have a great relationship with God. But He wants you to have mountain top experiences with Him!

We don’t know how many times Moses climbed the mountain to be with God before He was given the 10 Commandments from the finger of God writing them.

Imagine the intensity of that moment!

Indelible ink moments happen when you are not just visiting with God, but you are immersed in His presence because you love Him. That is when you fully realize He is your God, and He is also your Friend.

The only way to be a leader for God is to have His heart to share with others.

We are to be the people that others can look to and see that we have different ways of doing things because we aren’t just leading with head knowledge. We are leading with God’s insight.

We are leading with the power of the Presence of God, and now we also have the power of the Holy Ghost living inside of us.

We must be crying out to know His ways as Moses did, so that we can lead others to be impacted by what we carry because we are one with HIM. And we obey Him as we go forward.

The motive to lead is not to have a title or even a position.

Our position is to posture our hearts before Him and want to
lead so that we can make HIS NAME famous on the earth!

 This is the year we are going to XPAND as leaders who will follow God’s leadership principles through many examples in the Word.

First up is increasing our personal relationship with Him.

Nothing different will happen if He isn’t the one directing us. No program will work if He didn’t write the program.

No book other than the Bible can give us the proper instructions we need.

Time surrendering to the Presence of God is what will bring us success.

This is how God wants you to XPAND in your leadership qualities.

He may not want you to lead as a minister in a church, but He wants the Church to be full of leaders that will lead wherever they are and however He wants them to.

You are to be the mirror of God’s way of doing things.

You should be a great “God representative,” first. It is not by pushing your relationship with God on others, but by being such a good example of good workmanship, follow through, hunger to grow more, and integrity that you will stand out and stand up for what is right.

So, to do that you must:

  • Position your heart before God and ask for more of Him, no matter what the cost.
  • Make a decision to meet with Him. Make a place that is “your place.” It could be a closet, a chair in the bedroom, a walk and talk with Him. It doesn’t matter where, it matters that you do it. And it needs to be on purpose and daily.
  • Wait! Don’t just do your “duty.” Wait until your FULL attention is ON HIM. You can have worship on, or not. Whatever you need to do to know you have met with Him is what needs to happen if you want to XPAND who you are and leave an impact in this world.
  • Be a giver. We may not realize how much this means to the Father, but it does. Have a plan to give to others. Go out on purpose to give. Give love. Give food. Give ministry. Give by including others into your everyday life.

This is how we will XPAND to lead, to change the world, one or many people at a time.

God is looking for His people to shine forth His glory on the earth!

Let us climb to higher heights the mountain of our God!


God, Father,

I come today to humble myself before You and empty myself out of all my excuses of the past.

Please forgive me for:

  • not pursuing Your heart with total surrender
  • not climbing higher to meet You
  • not caring if I was meeting Your heart’s desire for my life
  • not looking to give what You have given to me to others
  • not being the difference in the world that impacts others for You

I repent and I take back the space that excuses took up. I open my heart to You, and I want to make others hungry to know why I am different.

I will lead by making the time needed to receive from You and to lead by Your heart’s desire.

Thank You for Your willingness to lead Your people out of compromise and laziness and self-centeredness.

Thank You for XPANDING our heart and our spirit so that we can lead others to walk in Your ways and know You as never before.

This is MY desire. I am committing this year to a different level of loving You.

Thank You for helping me. I can’t wait to join what You are doing, every day.



Gateway Worship – The More I Seek You

Bethel Music – Send Me

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