


Day: Day Nine

Date: January 14, 2025

Now, we know that God has commissioned Joshua.

Do you know that He has also commissioned you individually? He has commissioned us here at Liberty Life Center, and if you’re attending a different church, it’s important to understand what your church stands for and join them in fulfilling God’s Kingdom purpose for them.

This is how Joshua got the people moving:

Joshua 1:10-11

10 Then Joshua commanded the officers of the people, saying, 11 “Pass through the camp and command the people, saying, ‘Prepare provisions for yourselves, for within three days you will cross over this Jordan, to go in to possess the land which the Lord your God is giving you to possess.'”

They had to prepare some things for themselves.

God had given them promises. But they couldn’t just sit around and do nothing, expecting God to do it all for them. He had fed them with manna, given them water out of a rock, and defended them against their enemies in their journey.

But it was a time to XPAND! They had to be determined to put their time and energy to get up and start moving forward to the Promised Land.

Now, we also see that this first crossing wasn’t going to bring full possession.

There was still things they would be required to do.

But in a short period of time, the first miracle of moving out of the old was going to occur.

Oh, Church, it is a time where we can expect to move out of the old into the new, as we believe God! We are fasting to get our bodies under submission to the Lord. We are setting time aside to seek Him, to be with Him, to give Him our full attention SO THAT we can begin to move forward into the fullness of possessing the Land we have been promised.

Last year, as we were walking out what it means to be re-established, we heard the Lord tell us about how important Isaiah 61 is to us.

The Spirit of the LORD is upon us TO PREACH GOOD NEWS!

That is our first step towards the miracles awaiting us.

There is no backing away from our inheritance, but we must pack up provisions for our journey.

What provisions?

  • Know what He has promised us according to the Word of God (the Bible).
  • Know His spoken word (prophetic words over us).
  • Pray in the Spirit to build yourself up in your faith.
  • Get your testimony ready to share with others of what the Lord has done for you.

This is your assignment today. Please take this opportunity to XPAND your ability to obey His desires for you to move into obeying His commission to us, to go forward, to step up and step into what He desires.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon us to do all that is spelled out in Isaiah 61. We will go into more of that later, but today, ready yourself with writing out a brief testimony of what happened to you when you experienced:

  • Salvation
  • Water baptism
  • Spiritual healing
  • Physical healing
  • Moments with God that changed or impacted your life

How can we obey God and affect others’ lives?

We must ready ourselves for the win.

We must cross over from the intimidation and insecurity that would hold us back.

We must cross over from being comfortable in our current status of not reaching the people who have not heard the good news.

We must cross over from doubt into faith that He has prepared divine encounters for us.

It is time to do our part so that we can partner with Him for the great things we will do together!

Every week we will have testimonies as we live out what God has dreamed for us since the day He installed us into His service.

The safest, most blessed place we can be is in God’s perfect will.

Let’s arise and ready ourselves to cross over today.

PLEASE take the time to follow the assignment through. It will make God smile!

I’m going to pray for you today.


Dear Father, Dear Jesus, Dear Holy Spirit,

I pray that as we sit before You to remember what You have actually already done in our lives that it will be as though we are living it all over again!

I pray:

Let these people all feel Your presence, Father.

Please help each one to remember the details we need to remember, Holy Spirit.

Jesus, help each one walk in Your ways connected as one with You.

Let us come before You with grateful hearts as we lift praise to Your Holy Name.


Pat Barrett – Into Faith I Go

Passion – I’ve Witnessed It

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